Hi Friends!
How have you all been? I can’t believe that summer’s already in full swing! Jenna and Aubrey have been out of school for a couple of weeks now, and they’re loving every minute of it. And Ayla is ecstatic to have her two, big sister sidekicks back at home. We’ve been bike riding, swimming at the lake, eating watermelon, slip and sliding in the back yard, and hanging out by the kiddie pool whenever we can. We haven’t made it to the beach yet, but we’re going to get there soon! Nothing beats the sound of ocean waves crashing, kids playing, and toes buried in the sand.
Well, I’m excited because I’m revealing my #BaretoBeautifulProject room makeover with all of you today! It has come such a long way! You may remember the before pictures that I was embarrassed to be sharing with the world a few weeks ago. If not, this is what our master bedroom looked like then… You can see all of the before photos {here}.
Oh my, it was frumpy! We never really gave this room any love, because there always seemed to be more important projects that we needed to get done first. Mom’s and Dad’s needs are usually the last ones met, right? But the time finally came to freshen up a space just for us, and I’m so happy with how it turned out!
The room feels so serene and fresh, you guys. It’s a cozy, little, retreat now and not a tired afterthought.