Hi there! Welcome to Willow Street at Home, the blog side of Willow Street Interiors. My name’s Laura and I’m so glad that you’re here! I live in a quiet, little country Massachusetts suburb. I’m passionate about family, faith, interior design, cooking, baking, reading, dreaming, never losing hope.

I’m a lover of all things beautiful, all things family, and all things home. I believe that when one door closes, God opens the one that was always meant to be yours to walk through. I believe that beautiful design has the power to lift our spirits and bring us joy; to mimic the sense of wild wonder, and yet perfect order, that we feel when we’re outside.
My husband grew up in Germany surrounded by farms and tractors. When we started looking to buy a house, land that reminded him of home topped his list. I wanted a place with a sense of history. And fruit trees.
We found our circa 1800 farmhouse in 2007, and closed on it 3 months after our first baby was born. It had an apple orchard and six acres, at a price we could afford, and so, the deal was made. It needed a massive amount of work, but it didn’t matter. We were young and ambitious, and planned to redo the entire house in a year. Naivety is bliss, for sure. Despite all of the craziness, I have nothing but fond memories of all of those new, chaotic, first year experiences.
And well, we’ve been renovating ever since, with our 4 cuties in tow! The projects continue, the kids are growing, and this crazy beautiful life just keeps on getting crazier, messier, and more beautiful. I’d love for you to join me here, as I share some of our home projects, some of my client projects, and some of the little things that happens in between.